Welcome Email for New Users

New users will receive a welcome email with a password setup link.

After you create a user account, new users will receive a welcome email inviting them to activate and set up a password for their account. Users will only receive this email if the account was enabled at the time of creation. If the user account was disabled during creation, the welcome email will be sent once the user account is enabled.

The following is an example of the welcome email for new users:


  • Users that have been granted the capability to upload files to Visier will be provided an additional link to where they can upload files.

  • If your organization uses single sign-on, new users will receive a different message because they won't be required to set a password.

The welcome message can be customized. However, it must contain many of the basic elements of the templates shown above. The message must be provided to Visier in HTML format. If a logo is required, it must be included in the HTML as a link to a file that can be found online. The logo image file is not required.